The Best Sci-Fi Movies Everyone Should Watch Once

The best movies on Netflix can be hard to find, but we’re not likely to run out of great films any time soon. There’s plenty to choose from, whether you’re looking for the best action movies, the best horror films, the best comedies or the best classic movies on Netflix. We’ve updated the list for 2022 to remove great films that’ve left while highlighting underseen excellence. Far more than a heralded thriller, 1960's "Psycho" paved the way for the modern slasher genre, and furthermore upended various mainstream conventions. In telling the story of a murderous hotel owner, Alfred Hitchcock relied on everything from quick cuts to gripping music to a shape-shifting narrative, thereby delivering a completely new cinematic experience.

Their chemistry is natural and comedic, and their calm approach to the chase is starkly contrasted against the adrenaline-pumping, unpredictable actions of the Howard brothers on their bank-robbing binge. Just after Ashley and Melanie marry, Scarlett and Charles marry as well, delighting Melanie, who tells Scarlett that now they will truly be sisters. Some time later, Scarlett receives word that Charles has died of the measles, and she is forced to don widow's black clothing and refrain from going to the parties she loves. Her understanding mother Ellen decides to let her go to Atlanta to stay with Melanie and her Aunt Pittypat, hoping that Scarlett will feel less restless there. At an Atlanta fundraising bazaar, Scarlett is so bored watching other girls dance, that when Rhett bids for her in a dance auction, she enthusiastically leads the Virginia Reel with him, oblivious to the outrage of the shocked local matrons. Rhett, who has become a successful blockade runner, continues to see Scarlett over the next few months and brings her presents from his European trips.

The Firemen's Ball was voted the best Czech film in a 2018 poll of 20 Czech historians, theorists and critics. Christian was voted best Czech film of all time in a poll held by Media Desk and Týden magazine in 2010. Farewell My Concubine (霸王别姬; 1993) was voted the best Mainland Chinese film of all time by 88 international film experts in a poll conducted by Time Out Shanghai and Time Out Beijing. The Sweet Hereafter was voted the best Canadian film by readers of Playback in 2002 in an online poll.

Sandler’s centered, grounded portrayal of a man who loves what he does but would rather have the job he was promised is another terrific, layered role for one of our great modern actors. A return to form for a consistently fun sci-fi franchise, Prey dropped on Hulu and quickly became the platform’s biggest success ever. Chisato and Mahiro would like nothing more than to perform their killer duties top movies and then just laze around their apartment all day. When they’re asked by their boss to get part-time jobs in an effort to better integrate into society, the two girls struggle to find an alternative means to conflict resolution… outside of murder. This 'tale as old as time' follows the adventures of Belle, a bright young woman who finds herself imprisoned in a castle of a mysterious beast.

At the British Academy Film Awards, however, the movie took home a win for Best Costume Design. That means everything from the writing to the music to the acting is memorable, if not downright iconic. At the end of the day, of course, there is no one solitary answer as to what makes a great movie—just like there is no one type of great film.

Miriam tries to make Judah go away by showing him her deformed face, but Judah strokes her forehead and embraces her. He then carries Tirzah from the cave and, with Miriam and Esther, walks back to Jerusalem. People shun the lepers, but an old blind man tells them that people are gathered for the trial of the Nazarene. They then walk to the center of the city and observe Pilate washing his hands of the man, who is sentenced to death.

Back at the Senate, Paine brings in 50,000 telegrams drummed up by Taylor, all of them urging Jeff to quit. Though discouraged, Jeff resolves to keep fighting, but after he gives one last speech to Paine, he collapses from exhaustion after the almost twenty-four hour filibuster. Paine finally breaks down, and after attempting suicide outside the senate chamber, confesses that everything Jeff has said is true. Child psychologist Malcolm Crowe is shot in his home by Vincent, a deranged former patient. Sometime later, Malcolm has recuperated from the gunshot wounds but has become estranged from his wife, Anna, who resents his workaholism. He begins treating a new patient, nine-year-old Cole Sear, who claims to see the ghosts of dead people and reminds Malcolm of Vincent.

The drama is a surprising, moving, and heartbreaking story of the lives of these prison guards being changed by one man. It also features several outstanding performances, especially from Hanks and Duncan. Though not one of Stephen King's most famous stories, The Green Mile still made for a compelling movie. Set in a death row prison in the 1930s, Tom Hanks plays a prison guard who forms an unexpected connection with a seemingly gentle new prisoner . Though not often seen as the best in the series, Star Wars remains the movie that kicked off what is likely the most popular movie franchise of all time. Introducing fans to a galaxy far, far away, the movie established its iconic character and started the grand adventure.


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